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Our summer internships – Grace, Raquel and Sophie

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Three students look back on their time with the DECIPHer team

Grace Hummerston

I am about to enter my fourth year of Psychology, after a year on placement working on research focussed on the experience of eating and eating related behaviours in rare genetic conditions. Even prior to my placement I have always had an interest in health and nutrition-based research. Applying for this internship allowed me to utilise research skills developed previously on placement and apply my skills to population level research.

Throughout my internship, supervised by Dr Sara Long and Rochelle Embling, I have had the privilege of working with both DECIPHer at Cardiff University and Health Improvement, Public Health Wales on a project titled ‘’Healthy Weight Healthy You’: Developing behaviourally informed public messaging for portion size control in digital health campaigns’. This included collaboration with various teams within Public Health Wales: the Research & Evaluation Team, the Nutrition and Obesity Programme, the Social Marketing Team and the Behavioural Science Unit.

The aim of my internship was to develop effective public messaging strategies for portion size control, to be integrated into the “Healthy Weight Healthy You” website and social marketing campaign. My work began with conducting a rapid evidence review to identify the most effective messaging techniques for promoting portion size control. The task of writing a rapid evidence review was valuable as it broadened my understanding of what has been effective in previous campaigns and what gaps still exist. By analysing various studies and articles, I was able to gather insights into the various factors influencing portion control.

One of the highlights of my internship was the opportunity to work alongside other researchers working within the Public Health, Nutrition, Obesity and Health Improvement research areas. This gave me the opportunity to work across two organisations being co-located at Spark and Capital Quarter.

This opportunity allowed me to develop a piece of work with real-world practical application, which was the main reason I was drawn to this internship initially. I am most excited to see how the evidence and recommendations are presented on the website.

This internship was a positive learning experience and allowed me to contribute to a real-world public health initiative. Working on this project allowed me to apply knowledge, collaborate with researchers, and see the direct impact of my work on public health messaging. Over the next few weeks, my rapid review will be published as a report within Public Health Wales, and I will also be submitting a conference abstract to the PHW annual Research and Evaluation Conference 2024, held in Cardiff.

Overall, I am beyond grateful to be the first summer intern to work across both DECIPHer and Public Health Wales. The experience provided me with so many valuable skills and I look forward to seeing how my work on portion size control will benefit others.

Raquel Ron Parralejo 

I am an undergraduate third-year student completing a degree in Criminology and Sociology. I always had an interest in academic research, but during my second year of university I was introduced to research conducted for intervention and policymaking purposes and it sparked a passion in me. Seeing how research carried out by my lecturers had helped our society really inspired me to follow that path as well. I wanted to find out more about this field, which is why I was so grateful when I got my internship in DECIPHer.  

My placement was part of the project “Developing better methods for public engagement and collaboration in public health research”, which has helped me develop the essential skills needed for a career in research. I was able to apply what I had learned during my studies in a work setting, while also being taught so many different aspects of the field that I would not have considered without the internship. My supervisors, Jemma Hawkins and Hayley Reed, encouraged me to be curious and ask them questions, and thanks to them I obtained some good insights and knowledge that I will be able to use for the rest of my career.  

During my internship I was taught how to develop a project, how to conduct literature reviews and how to network with different professionals and organisations to aid our research; skills that I will be able to transfer to my dissertation next year and hopefully to my postgraduate studies. In DECIPHer I was incentivised to absorb knowledge from research happening around me, this often included learning from visiting researchers from abroad who would provide us with unique perspectives of social issues happening around the world. It was such a positive experience to be surrounded by such passionate and hardworking individuals with whom I share similar interests and who were always friendly and considerate towards me.  

Sophie Hughes

I am a biomedical sciences undergraduate at Cardiff University, with a keen interest in disease, physiology and genetics. My passion for healthcare research was first ignited during a placement year investigating genetic trends in kidney disease and injury. During this time, I also had the opportunity to interview individuals affected by organ donation about their experience and perceptions. This experience led me to gravitate towards social and behavioural health research. I was particularly drawn to DECIPHer after learning about their innovative social science projects.

From day one, DECIPHer was a friendly and welcoming environment. Additionally, the Sbarc building was a very vibrant and inspiring place to work!

Stepping into the field of social sciences from a different academic background, I was particularly appreciative of the guidance from my supervisors and fellow researchers. I felt supported every step of the way.

My eight-week internship, supervised by Dr Samantha Garay and Dr Kelly Morgan, centred on exploring the impact of high fat sugar and salt food and drink advertisement and evaluating policies aimed at addressing this issue. I had the opportunity to engage in various aspects of research, including the collection of qualitative data by interviewing residents and stakeholders, as well as analysing qualitative data and performing quality checks. Additionally, I worked closely with the local council to collect quantitative data on the advertising landscape around Cardiff. This mapping exercise taught me how to efficiently collect quantitative data and enhanced my skills in project planning. Additionally, conducting a scoping review has provided me insights into process evaluation and policy implementation, while also sharpening my research reporting skills, which will be instrumental for my final year.

One of the highlights of my time here has been participating in research forums and meetings. The collaborative atmosphere and discussions alongside experienced researchers has been invaluable.

I have developed a diverse array of skills that have equipped me for future research projects and my final year. I highly recommend an internship with DECIPHer for those who want to get a taste for real-world research! I also believe this internship is a great opportunity for those who want to gain a better understanding of the path they want to pursue.

To find out about on-campus placement opportunities at Cardiff University, click here: On-campus internship opportunities