DECIPHer collaborates with Bristol University as part of the National Institute for Health Research Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST) as part of PHIRST Insight. Within PHIRST Insight we partner with local authorities across the UK to co-produce evaluations of local public health interventions. Between 2020 and 2024, PHIRST Insight have delivered 10 evaluations of local authority interventions, with three of these being led by researchers in DECIPHer. The interventions span a range of public health issues and populations across the life course including: growth mindset training for teachers, universal provision of free school meals in secondary schools, community kitchen schemes, active travel infrastructure, community mental health projects, and a tool to identify and prevent malnutrition in older adults. Our approach to developing these evaluations focuses on co-production and collaboration between policy makers, practitioners, the public and researchers. To find out more about PHIRST and the outcomes from the evaluations visit the PHIRST website: https://phirst.nihr.ac.uk/
Download the PHIRST Insight Dissemination, Impact, Involvement, Communication and Engagement (DIICE) plan here: https://decipher.uk.net/wp-content/uploads/PHIRST-Insight-DIICE-plan.pdf.