The School-Level Digital Dashboard is one of three projects to make it through to the Sustainability Phase.
The aim of the School Level Digital Dashboard is to empower schools to use School Health Research Network (SHRN) data to create environments that promote good mental and physical health. It was developed as part of a Mental Health Data Prize project, funded by The Wellcome Trust.
The prize supports collaborative approaches to research into anxiety and depression in young people, asking teams to explore existing data to find new insights and build digital tools that enable future research.
There are three phases to the award, with a subset of teams from each phase progressing to the next: Discovery Phase (10 teams); Prototyping Phase (5 teams); Sustainability Phase (3 teams).
Wellcome’s feedback to the team included:
The panel felt that the team’s overall aim and objectives were value-driven with a clear pathway to impact, and that the potential for impact was strong given the focus on schools and scale up following the finalization and dissemination of your dashboard… Lived experience has been well integrated and substantial engagement with stakeholders was conducted during the prototyping phase.
Dr Jeremy Segrott, Senior Lecturer at DECIPHer and Centre for Trials Research, said “This funding will enable us to take forward our exciting plans to implement the SHRN dashboard with schools across Wales so that they can use research data in innovative ways to promote students’ physical and mental health.”
The Sustainability Phase began on November 12th 2023 and will run for six months.
Find out more about the Dashboard here: https://decipher.uk.net/research/programmes/healthy-settings-and-organisations/school-level-digital-dashboard/
More about the Wellcome Mental Health Data Prize here: https://wellcome.org/what-we-do/mental-health/mental-health-data-prize?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=o-wellcome#wellcome-mental-health-data-prize:-uk-and-south-africa,-2022-2023–6d52