Our second annual report as a Health and Care Research Wales funded research centre is ready to read
The report covers a busy and productive year for DECIPHer, highlighting our key successes in capacity development, research programme activity and our collaborations and engagement to promote impact. Features include our research and professional services staff discussing their career arcs, our core metrics and updates on our Public Health Improvement Research Networks (PHIRNs), SHRN and ALPHA.
Simon Murphy, Director of DECIPHer, says:
‘‘I am pleased to announce the publication of DECIPHer’s new annual report. It provides a very clear picture of a vibrant research centre engaging with our policy, practice and public communities to produce excellent research that has real impacts. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the hard work and dedication of all DECIPHer staff and our appreciation to all our partners nationally and internationally.’
Read the report here: