Lead Investigator
Prof Laurence Moore
Dr Katy Tapper; Prof Simon Murphy; Prof Ronan Lyons; Prof David Benton
DECIPHer evaluated the Welsh Government’s Primary School Free School Breakfast Initiative. School-level regression analyses examining aggregate effects of the intervention upon repeated cross sections of children from each of these schools was previously conducted.
Aims and Objectives
Augmentation and secondary analysis of data to provide important further information on the effectiveness of the Primary School Free Breakfasts inititative, and notably on the impact of the initiative on socio-economic disparities in diet, cognition and school performance.
Study Design
Secondary statistical analysis
Identify each participating student and through Secure Anonymised Data Linkage (SAIL) system, obtain current free school meal entitlement status, future SAT and GCSE performance data, and postcode of residence. Postcode then used to obtain SES variable(s) for each student for the census output area within which their home is located.
Data provides comprehensive overview of children’s diets in terms of macro and micronutrient intakes, gives insight into the effects of the intervention upon children’s nutrient intakes.
Calculate Reference Daily Intakes (RDIs) for each macro and micronutrient, based upon gender and age.
Further Information and Publications
Cardiff University project information page
Start date
May 2009
End date
May 2011