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International Links 2023 – 24


The worldwide teaching, visits and collaborations so far
this academic year

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September 2023 – Dr Yulia Shenderovich delivered training in Moldova on process evaluation to practitioners from the Moldova network of youth-friendly health clinics.

Three collaborators from Universidad Peruan Cayetano Heredia, Peru, attended our one-day specialist short courses in Cardiff.

Jemma presents at VIA University College Research Centre, Aarhus (photo Sofie Hedegaard Kristensen)

November 2023 – Dr Jemma Hawkins delivered two invited lectures on co-approaches in complex intervention science at the Prevention Laboratory in Copenhagen and at VIA University College Research Centre for Health and Welfare Technology in Aarhus. She also delivered a masterclass on complex interventions for PhD students at Aarhus University.

Jemma delivered a masterclass on complex interventions to the Aarhus University Journal Club of Complex Interventions in Denmark. Read the write up here.

March 2024 – Prof Graham Moore taught a seminar on MRC-NIH framework at the University of Copenhagen.

June 2024 – Jemma, Graham, Dr Rhiannon Evans, Dr Honor Young, Dr Jeremy Segrott, Dr Rachel Brown, Dr Kelly Morgan, Prof James White and Dr Nicholas Page taught at the DECIPHer Summer Short Course ‘Development, Evaluation, Adaptation and Implementation’ to 30 delegates, including overseas visitors from Denmark and Germany.

September 2023 Abbey Rowe presented her poster Exploring school-level variations in depression, anxiety and wellbeing outcomes for adolescents with ADHD symptoms at the EUNETHYDIS 2023 Annual Meeting in Montpellier.

Yulia presented Reflections on stakeholder consultations within the adaptation process for a family-focused intervention for adolescents and their caregivers and Adapting a violence prevention parenting programme as part of scaling-up at the ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect 2023. Bethan Pell also attended.

Yulia presents at IPSCAN

Kelly presented Implementing health-enhancing physical activity research: From science to policy and practice at the 12th HEPA Europe conference in Leuven, Belgium. She also gave a presentation on findings from the CHARMING study.

October 2023 – Yulia presented online at the symposium Parenting in Crisis at the EUSPR 14th Conference and Members’ Meeting in Sarajevo, where Jemma and Dr Elinor Coulman also presented online on the PHIRST Insight evaluation project with Scottish Borders.

Jeremy presented The Importance of Implementation: Findings from a Process Evaluation of the Kiva Programme at the World Anti-Bullying Forum, North Carolina.

December 2023 Yulia gave the presentation Parenting programmes: A global perspective at the Population Health Division Meeting at Cardiff University to online researchers from Cardiff and Utah Universities.

January 2024 – James and Graham gave an online presentation on Association of cannabis, cannabis potency, cannabidiol, and synthetic cannabinoid use with mental health in UK adolescents at the University College Dublin Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Seminar Series.

Kelly attended the Texas Physical Activity Collaboration hosted at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health to find opportunities for international collaboration on physical activity with other conference attendees.

February 2024 – Yulia, Rhiannon, Graham, Swetha Sampathkumar and Emma Wassell attended the FLOURISH consortium meeting in Belgrade, Serbia.  

Clockwise from top left: IMPACT Salud team and stakeholders at the launch in Lima; Members of the discussion panel on global health equity; Members of the IMPACT team working on a SWAT analysis for the project; Team members project planning

March 2024 – Kelly presented on Mindset TEAMS at the World Education Summit.

Nick presented on DECIPHer/SHRN youth tobacco research to visitors from Mississippi State University

May 2024 – Kelly presented Global perspectives on environmental determinants of physical activity across the lifespan at the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference, Omaha.

June 2024 – Graham and Jemma made their first trip to Peru as part of their work with an international team of collaborators on a four-year project, IMPACT Salud. The study focuses on improving outcomes for people with dementia and their caregivers in Peru. Read their blog here.

May 2024 – Nanne Isokuortti and Elina Aaltio from the University of Helsinki presented Adapting Motivational Interviewing training to a Finnish Social Work context to DECIPHer researchers.

June 2024 – PhD student Shruti Shukla visited DECIPHer for two weeks from the Technical University of Munich. During her visit she gave a presentation to the DECIPHer team on gender transformative interventions and adolescent motherhood.

Sedsel Pedersen, a physiotherapist and PhD student at Aarhus University, also visited DECIPHer for two weeks, where she attended the short course and discussed adapting interventions to new contexts in relation to her PhD project.

June 2023 – Rhiannon was awarded a Churchill Fellowship. This enabled her to travel to research innovation in suicide prevention among looked- after young people. As part of this, she visited Colorado in September and Seoul in December.

October 2023 – Dr Rebecca Anthony was shortlisted for the Research on Digital Impact prize at The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) Awards.

January 2024 – Jeremy was invited to be an assessor for the Applications for Associate Professor, Department of Public Health at Aarhus University.

March 2024 – Yulia, Jess Lennon and colleagues, with Yulia as Principal Investigator, organised workshops in Pemba to share findings from the linked project Shared visions of a Good City: Host and internally displaced persons (IDP) perspectives in Cabo Delgado [Mozambique].