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Cyhoeddiadau 2016


The acceptability of educational interventions: Qualitative evidence from children and young people in care Rhiannon Evans, Sophie Hallett, Alyson Rees, Louise Roberts Children and Youth Services Review

Active children through incentive vouchers – evaluation (ACTIVE): a mixed-method feasibility study Michaela James, Danielle Christian, Samantha Scott, Charlotte Todd, Gareth Stratton, Sarah McCoubrey, Julian Halcox, Suzanne Audrey, Elizabeth Ellins, Sinead Brophy  BMC Public Health

The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school-based cluster randomised controlled trial: effect on potential mediators Debbie Lawlor, Laura Howe, Emma Anderson, Ruth Kipping, Rona Campbell, Sian Wells, Catherine Chittleborough, Tim Peters, Russell Jago Randomized Controlled Trial

Adherence to exercise referral schemes by participants – what do providers and commissioners need to know? A systematic review of barriers and facilitators Fiona Morgan, Alysia Battersby, Alison Weightman, Lydia Searchfield, Ruth Turley, Helen Morgan, James Jagroo, Simon Ellis BMC Public Health

Among friends: a qualitative exploration of the role of peers in young people’s alcohol use using Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital Georgie MacArthur, Nina Jacob, Pandora Pound, Matthew Hickman, Rona Campbell Sociology of Health and Illness

Analysing the connectivity and communication of suicidal users on Twitter Gualtiero Colombo, Pete Burnap, Andrei Hodorog, Jonathan Scourfield Computer Communications

Analysis of trends in adolescent suicides and accidental deaths in England and Wales, 1972–2011 James Redmore, Robert Kipping, Adam Trickey, Margaret May, David Gunnell Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy

Approaches for synthesising complex mental health interventions in meta-analysis Deborah Caldwell, Nicky Welton Evidence Based Mental Health

Assessment of rates of recanting and hair testing as a biological measure of drug use in a general population sample of young people Michelle Taylor, John Sullivan, Susan Ring, John Macleod, Matthew Hickman Addiction

Association Between Cannabis and Psychosis: Epidemiologic Evidence Suzanne Gage, Matthew Hickman, Stanley Zammit Biological Psychiatry

Association of inflammation with specific symptoms of depression in a general population of older people: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing James White, Mika Kivimäki, Markus Jokela, David Batty Brain, Behaviour and Immunity


Being targeted: Young women’s experience of being identified for a teenage pregnancy prevention programme Annik Sorhaindo, Chris Bonell, Adam Fletcher, Patricia Jessiman, Peter Keoghe, Kirstin Mitchell Journal of Adolescence

Breakfast: how important is it really? A response Hannah Littlecott, Graham Moore, Laurence Moore, Ronan Lyons, Simon Murphy Public Health Nutrition


Challenges, solutions and future directions in the evaluation of service innovations in health care and public health Rosalind Raine, Ray Fitzpatrick, Helen Barratt, Gywn Bevan, Nick Black, Ruth Boaden, Peter Bower, Marion Campbell, Jean-Louis Denis, Kelly Devers, Mary Dixon-Woods, Lesley Fallowfield, Julien Forder, Robbie Foy, Nick Freemantle, Naomi Fulop, Elizabeth Gibbons, Clare Gillies, Lucy Goulding, Richard Grieve, Jeremy Grimshaw, Emma Howarth, Richard Lilford, Ruth McDonald, Graham Moore, Laurence Moore, Robin Newhouse, Alicia O’Cathain, Zeynep Or, Chrysanthi Papoutsi, Stephanie Prady, Jo Rycroft-Malone, ,Jasjeet Sekhon, Simon Turner, Samuel Watson, Merrick Zwarenstein  Health and Social Care Delivery Research

Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales David Fone, Jennifer Morgan, Richard Fry, Sarah Rodgers, Scott Orford, Daniel Farewell, Frank Dunstan, James White, Vas Sivarajasingam, Laszlo Trefan, Iain Brennan, Shin Lee, Narushige Shiode, Alison Weightman, Chris Webster, Ronan Lyons  Public Health Research

Changing the conversation – ecological thinking Heather Trickey Midirs

Combining Stress and Dopamine Based Models of Addiction: Towards a Psycho-Neuro-Endocrinological Theory of Addiction James Johnston, David Linden, Marianne van den Bree Current Drug Abuse Reviews


Defining disease phenotypes in primary care electronic health records by a machine learning approach: a case study in identifying rheumatoid arthritis Shang-Ming Zhou, Fabiola Fernandez-Gutierrez, Jonathan Kennedy, Roxanne Cooksey, Mark Atkinson, Spiros Denaxas, Stefan Siebert, William Dixon, Terence O’Neill, Ernest Choy, Cathie Sudlow, Sinead Brophy PLOS One

Demographic and socioeconomic inequalities in the risk of emergency hospital admission for violence: cross-sectional analysis of a national database in Wales Sara Long, David Fone, Andrea Gartner, Mark Bellis Public Health Research

Developing HAPPEN (Health and Attainment of Pupils involved in a Primary Education Network): working in partnership to improve child health and education Charlotte Todd, Danielle Christian, Richard Tyler, Gareth Stratton, Sinead Brophy Perspectives in Public Health

Do stronger school smoking policies make a difference? Analysis of the health behaviour in school-aged children survey Britt Hallingberg, Adam Fletcher, Simon Murphy, Kelly Morgan, Hannah Littlecott, C Roberts, Graham Moore The European Journal of Public Health

Duration of depressive symptoms and mortality risk: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) James White, Paola Zaninotto, Kate Walters, Mika Kivimäki, Panayotes Demakakos, Jane Biddulph, Meena Kumari, Cesar De Oliveira, John Gallacher, David Batty  British Journal of Psychiatry


Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial Mike Robling, Marie-Jet Bekkers, Kerry Bell, Christopher Butler, Rebecca Cannings-John, Sue Channon, Belen Corbacho Martin, John Gregory, Kerry Hood, Alison Kemp, Joyce Kenkre, Alan Montgomery, Gwenllian Moody, Eleri Owen-Jones, Kate Pickett, Gerry Richardson, Zoë Roberts, Sarah Ronaldson, Julia Sanders, Eugena Stamuli, David Torgerson The Lancet

Effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions in reducing illness absence among children in educational settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis Micky Willmott, Alexandra Nicholson, Heide Busse, Georgie MacArthur, Sara Brookes, Rona Campbell Archives of Disease in Childhood

Effects of an air pollution personal alert system on health service usage in a high-risk general population: a quasi-experimental study using linked data Ronan Lyons, Sarah Rogers, S Thomas, R Bailey, H Brunt, Daniel Thayer, J Bidmead, Bridie Evans, P Harold, M Hooper, Helen Snooks Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

The effects of Positive Youth Development interventions on substance use, violence and inequalities: systematic review of theories of change, processes and outcomes Chris Bonell, Kelly Dickson, Kate Hinds, GJ Melendez-Torres, Claire Stansfield, Adam Fletcher, James Thomas, Katrina Lester, Elizabeth Oliver, Simon Murphy, Rona Campbell Public Health Research

Ethnographic methods for process evaluations of complex health behaviour interventions Sarah Morgan-Trimmer, Fiona Wood Trials

Exploratory trial of a school-based alcohol prevention intervention with a family component: Implications for implementation Jeremy Segrott, Heather Rothwell, Ilaria Pignatelli, Rebecca Playle, Gillian Hewitt, Chao Huang, Simon Murphy, Matthew Hickman, Hayley Reed, Laurence Moore Health Education


Gender, relationship breakdown, and suicide risk: a review of research in western countries Rhiannon Evans, Jonathan Scourfield, Graham Moore Journal of Family Issues

Group motivational interviewing in schools: Development of a health promotion intervention Jemma Hawkins, Paulina Bravo, Nina Gobat, Stephen Rollnick, Gabrielle Jerzembek, Sarah Whitehead, Sue Chanon, Mark Kelson, Orla Adams, Simon Murphy Health Education Journal

Growing up in care: the disempowerment and disenfranchisement of carers Rhiannon Evans BMJ Letters


The health promoting schools framework: known unknowns and an agenda for future research Rebecca Langford, Christopher Bonell, Kelli Komro, Simon Murphy, Daniel Magnus, Elizabeth Waters, Lisa Gibbs, Rona Campbell Health Education and Behaviour

Hepatitis C virus prevention and treatment prioritization-ethical, economic and evidential dimensions of early rather than delayed treatment for people who inject drugs Matthew Hickman, Natasha Martin, Richard Huxtable Addiction


Identifying well-connected opinion leaders for informal health promotion: The example of the ASSIST smoking prevention program Jo Holliday, Suzanne Audrey, Rona Campbell, Laurence Moore Randomized Controlled Trial


Lessons learnt from the Bristol Girls Dance Project cluster RCT: implications for designing and implementing after-school physical activity interventions. Mark Edwards, Thomas May, Joanna Kesten, Kate Banfield, Emma Bird, Jane Powell, Simon Sebire, Russell Jago Public Health Research

Long-term effects of the Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school-based cluster randomised controlled trial Emma Anderson, Laura Howe, Ruth Kipping, Rona Campbell, Russell Jago, Sian Noble, Sian Wells, Catherine Chittleborough, Tim Peters, Debbie Lawlor  Public Health Research


NAP SACC UK: protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial in nurseries and at home to increase physical activity and healthy eating in children aged 2–4 years Ruth Kipping, Russ Jago, Chris Metcalfe, James White, Angeliki Papadaki, Rona Campbell, W Hollingworth, Dianne Ward, Sian Wells, Rowan Brockman, A Nicholson, Laurei Moore Public Health Protocol

A new measure of unhealthy school environments and its implications for critical assessments of health promotion in schools Nichola Shackleton, Adam Fletcher, Farah Jamal, Wolfgang Markham, Paul Aveyard, Anne Mathiot, Elizabeth Allen, Russell Viner, Chris Bonell Critical Public Health

Newspaper reporting on a cluster of suicides in the UK Ann John, Keith Hawton, David Gunnell, Keith Lloyd, Jonathan Scourfield, Phillip Jones, Ann Luce, Amanda Marchant, Steve Platt, Sian Price, Michael Dennis Crisis: Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention


Peer-led interventions to prevent tobacco, alcohol and/or drug use among young people aged 11-21 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis Georgie MacArthur, Sean Harrison, Deborah Caldwell, Matthew Hickman, Rona Campbell Addiction

A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a support and training intervention to improve the mental health of secondary school teachers and students: the WISE (Wellbeing in Secondary Education) study Judi Kidger, Tracey Stone, Kate Tilling, Rowan Brockman, Rona Campbell, Tamsin Ford, William Hollingworth, Michael King, Ricardo Araya, David Gunnell Randomized Controlled Trial

Positive youth development programmes to reduce substance use in young people: Systematic review G J Melendez-Torres, Kelly Dickson, Adam Fletcher, James Thomas, Kate Hinds, Rona Campbell, Simon Murphy, Chris Bonell  The International Journal on Drug Policy

Predictors of physical activity and sedentary behaviours among 11-16 year olds: Multilevel analysis of the 2013 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Wales Kelly Morgan, Britt Hallingberg, Hannah Littlecott, Simon Murphy, Adam Fletcher, Chris Roberts, Graham Moore BMC Public Health

Preferences for simultaneous polydrug use: a comparative study of young adults in England and Denmark
Jeanette Østergaard, Stine Østergaard, Adam Fletcher Contemporary Drug Problems

Process evaluation of the Bristol girls dance project Simon Sebire, Mark Edwards, Jo Kesten, Tom May, Kate Banfield, Emma Bird, Keeley Tomkinson, Pete Blair, Jillian Powell, Russ Jago BMC Public Health

Propensity score matching for selection of local areas as controls for evaluation of effects of alcohol policies in case series and quasi case-control designs Frank de Vocht, Rona Campbell, Alan Brennan, John Mooney, Colin Angus, Matthew Hickman Public Health

Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of an intervention to improve the mental health support and training available to secondary school teachers – the WISE (Wellbeing in Secondary Education) study Judi Kidger, Rhiannon Evans, Kate Tilling, William Hollingworth, Rona Campbell, Tamsin Ford, Simon Murphy, Ricardo Araya, Richard Morris, Bryar Kadir, Aida Moure Fernandez, Sarah Bell, Sarah Harding, Rowan Brockman, Jill Grey, David Gunnell Randomized Controlled Trial

Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of an intervention to improve the mental health support and training available to secondary school teachers – the WISE (Wellbeing in Secondary Education) study Judi Kidger, Rhiannon Evans, Kate Tilling, William Hollingworth, Rona Campbell, Tamsin Ford, Simon Murphy, Ricardo Araya, Richard Morris, Bryar Kadir, Aida Moure Fernandez, Sarah Bell, Sarah Harding, Rowan Brockman, Jill Grey, David Gunnell Randomized Controlled Trial

Protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a peer-led school-based intervention to increase the physical activity of adolescent girls (PLAN-A)  Simon Sebire, Mark Edwards, Rona Campbell, Russell Jago, Ruth Kipping, Kathryn Banfield, Keeley Tomkinson, Kirsty Garfield, Ronan Lyons, Joanne Simon, Peter Blair, William Hollingworth Pilot and Feasibility Studies


A rank based social norms model of how people judge their levels of drunkenness whilst intoxicated Simon Moore, Alex Wood, Laurence Moore, Jonathan Shepherd, Simon Murphy, Gordon Brown  BMC Public Health

The Rate of Change in Alcohol Misuse Across Adolescence is Heritable Alexis Edwards, Jon Heron, Vladimir Vladimirov, Aaron Wolen, Daniel Adkins, Fazil Aliev, Matthew Hickman, Kenneth Kendle PMC

Realist complex intervention science: Applying realist principles across all phases of the Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions Adam Fletcher, Farah Jamal, Graham Moore, Rhiannon Evans, Simon Murphy, Chris Bonell Evaluation

Realist trials and the testing of context-mechanism-outcome configurations: a response to Van Belle et al Chris Bonell, Emily Warren, Adam Fletcher, Russell Viner Trials

Recent trends in primary-care antidepressant prescribing to children and young people: an e-cohort study Ann John, Amanda Marchant, David Fone, Joanna Mcgregor, Michael Stuart Dennis, Jacinta Tan, Keith Lloyd Psychological Medicine

Relative deprivation and risk factors for obesity in Canadian adolescents Frank Elgar, Annie Xie, Timo-Kolja Pförtner, James White, Kate Pickett Social Science and Medicine

Researching Complex Interventions in Health: The State of the Art Peter Craig, Ingalill Rahm-Hallberg, Nicky Britten, Gunilla Borglin, Gabriele Meyer, Sascha Köpke, Jane Noyes, Jackie Chandler, Sara Levati, Anne Sales, Lehana Thabane, Lora Giangregorio, Nancy Feeley, Sylvie Cossette, Rod Taylor, Jacqueline Hill, David Richards, Willem Kuyken, Louise von Essen, Andrew Williams, Karla Hemming, Richard Lilford, Alan Girling, Monica Taljaard, Munyaradzi Dimairo, Mark Petticrew, Janis Baird, Graham Moore, Willem Odendaal, Salla Atkins, Elizabeth Lutge, Natalie Leon, Simon Lewin, Katherine Payne, Theo van Achterberg, Walter Sermeus, Martin Pitt, Thomas Monks  BMC Health Services Research

Residential Moving and Preventable Hospitalizations Hayley Hutchings, Annette Evans, Peter Barnes, Joanne Demmler, Martin Heaven, Melanie Healy, Michelle James-Ellison, Ronan Lyons, Alison Maddocks, Shantini Paranjothy, Sarah Rodgers, Frank Dunstan Pediatrics

The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera Jonathan Scourfield, Gualtiero Colombo, Rhiannon Evans, Nina Jacob, Meng Le Zhang, Pete Burnap, Adam Edwards, William Housley, Matthew Williams Crisis

The role of schools in children and young people’s self-harm and suicide: Systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative research Rhiannon Evans, Chloe Hurrell BMC Public Health

The role of social capital and community belongingness for exercise adherence: An exploratory study of the CrossFit gym model Jessica Whiteman-Sandland, Jemma Hawkins, Debbie Clayton Journal of Health Psychology


Script in a Day intervention for individuals who are injecting opioids: a feasibility randomized control trial Angela Beattie, Elsa Marques, Matthew Barber, Rosemary Greenwood, Jennifer Ingram, Rachel Ayres, Jane Neale, Avril Rees, Barbara Coleman, Matthew Hickman Journal of Public Health

Student- and school-level belonging and commitment and student smoking, drinking and misbehaviour Christopher Bonell, Nichola Shackleton, Adam Fletcher, Farah Jamal, Elizabeth Allen, Anne Mathiot, Wolfgang Markham, Paul Aveyard, Russell Viner Health Education Journal

Student and staff beliefs about smoking in further education settings: qualitative findings from a process evaluation Micky Willmott, Rebecca Langford, Adam Fletcher Lancet

Systematic review and meta-analysis of effects of community-delivered positive youth development interventions on violence outcomes G J Melendez-Torres, Kelly Dickson, Adam Fletcher, James Thomas, Kate Hinds, Rona Campbell, Simon Murphy, Chris Bonell Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Systematic review of educational interventions for looked-after children and young people: Recommendations for intervention development and evaluation Rhiannon Evans, Rachel Brown, Gwyther Rees, Philip Smith British Educational Research Journal


Teachers’ wellbeing and depressive symptoms, and associated risk factors: A large cross sectional study in English secondary schools Judi Kidger, Rowan Brockman, Kate Tilling, Rona Campbell, Tamsin Ford, Ricardo Araya, Michael King, David Gunnell  Journal of Effective Disorders

Towards valid ‘serious non-fatal injury’ indicators for international comparisons based on probability of admission estimates Colin Cryer, Ted Miller, Ronan Lyons, Alison Macpherson, Katherine Pérez, Eleni Petridou, Nick Dessypris, Gabrielle Davie, Pauline Gulliver, Jens Lauritsen, Soufiane Boufous, Bruce Lawrence, Brandon de Graaf, Claudia Steiner Injury Prevention

Trends in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Body Mass Index, Underweight and Obesity among English Children, 2007–2008 to 2011–2012 James White, David Rehkopf, Laust Hvas Mortensen PLoS One


Using Data Linkage to Investigate Inconsistent Reporting of Self-Harm and Questionnaire Non-Response Becky Mars, Rosie Cornish, Jon Heron, Andy Boyd, Catherine Crane, Keith Hawton, Glyn Lewis, Kate Tilling, John Macleod, David Gunnell Archives of Suicide Research

Using Routinely Collected Administrative Data in Public Health Research: Geocoding Alcohol Outlet Data Richard Fry, Sarah Rodgers, Jennifer Morgan, Scott Orford, David Fone

Using self-determination theory to promote adolescent girls’ physical activity: Exploring the theoretical fidelity of the Bristol Girls Dance Project Simon Sebire, Joanna Kesten, Mark Edwards, Thomas May, Kathryn Banfield, Keeley Tomkinson, Peter Blair, Emma Bird, Jane Powell, Russell Jago Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Variations in schools’ commitment to health and implementation of health improvement activities: a cross-sectional study of secondary schools in Wales Graham Moore, Hannah Littlecott, Adam Fletcher, Gillian Hewitt, Simon Murphy BMC Public Health


What theory, for whom and in which context? Reflections on the application of theory in the development and evaluation of complex population health interventions Graham Moore, Rhiannon Evans SSM – Population Health

Where next with theory and research on how the school environment influences young people’s substance use? Chris Bonell, Adam Fletcher, Farah Jamal, Paul Aveyard, Wolfgang Markham Health & Place


Young people’s views about consenting to data linkage: findings from the PEARL qualitative study Suzanne Audrey, Lindsey Brown, Rona Campbell, Andy Boyd, John Macleod BMC Medical Research Methodology

Young people’s views about the purpose and composition of research ethics committees: findings from the PEARL qualitative study. Suzanne Audrey, Lindsey Brown, Rona Campbell, Andy Boyd, John Macleod BMC Medical Ethics

Youth mentoring for young people at risk of exclusion from secondary school: results from a feasibility randomised control trial study Angela Beattie, Heide Busse, Ruth Kipping, David Gunnell, Matthew Hickman, John Macleod, William Hollingworth, David Berridge, Chris Metcalfe, Rona Campbell Lancet